Improve Your Sex Life!

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Should believers use sex toys?

Young married couples often struggle with the fact that one partner wants sex more often than the other. And if left unchecked this can become a dangerous powder keg for the marriage, where one always feels neglected and the other one feels used. In these cases using a sex toy may not be a bad idea for the person who feels the need to have sex more often, but only in the company of the other partner, so that it does not become a crutch or something that acts as a substitute to genuine physical touch between a loving committed couple. 
The Bible tells us to look out for one another's needs, but sometimes there are medical conditions that make that difficult for couples, for instance if somebody is paralyzed either physically or partially, having sex may be difficult, if not impossible. 
For this reason sites like this one catered to those needs in a loving way so that couples can enjoy sex without embarrassment or predictability. It is dangerous to label the other person as being dysfunctional somehow, levels of sexual desire differ from person to person, and depending on the month, or the situation that that person finds themselves in, may rise or fall due to circumstances that are beyond their control. 
For this reason, we think it is advisable to see a sex therapist, to get good at local counsel, and to look into adult toys on to see if using them can help to balance the sexual relationship in the average Christian marriage. If you still face difficulty, then do not hesitate to contact a close friend or a medical professional to talk about the issue with your spouse. Sometimes impartial advice can help you get out of a rut, and given that your marriage is the most important relationship you have, it is worth exploring remedies to save it from infidelity or lack of spousal intimacy.

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